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انتي لسه بتحاولي تدوري علي مدرسة مناسبة لأولادك؟
تعبتي من كتر اللف الكتير و كل ما تقدمي في مدرسة تكتشفي انها مش انسب حاجه ليكي احنا هنا عشان نساعدك لما تلمي الفورم ده هتعرفي تلاقي احسن مدارس لأطفالك يلا وفري عليكي وقت و مجهود و حطي بيناتك هنا عشان أولادك يستحقوا احسن تعليم.
SIMBA International Nursery
Our Programs:
Daycare & Preschool: From the age of 3 months to 6 years old
After School Activities: From the age of 6 to 12 years old
Mid-year camp (Jan-Feb) from the age of 6 to 12 years old
Summer camp (June-August) from the age of 6 to 12 years old
Our service & facilities:
An age-Specific international pre-school curriculum administered by full-time foreign instructors
3 nutritious & well-balanced meals daily
Full-time resident medical supervision
Weekly medical checkup
Class-based activities: (Music, Arts, & crafts)
Outdoor activities: (Aerobics, Gymnastics, & Karate)
Air-conditioned classrooms, equipped with LCD screens, 24/7 camera surveillance for all classrooms
Spacious garden for outdoor activities
Bus transportation is available upon request
Fully equipped clinic
Our working Hours:
Sunday to Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Extra Hours (at an extra charge): 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.