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Last Update 2019-11-19
Scope Academy

Scope Academy


035230125 - 01094212352 - 01144442305 - 01091732089
72 Khalil El Masry St. Kafr Abdo - , Alexandria Show On Map

About Scope Academy

Scope Academy is the first and the only preschool in Alexandria that follows the HIGH/SCOPE educational approach. HIGH/SCOPE is an active learning approach to educating children from birth to young adulthood.Developed in 1962 in USA.The HIGH/SCOPE approach is now used in tens of thousands of preschools and schools in the united states,UK and around the world. High/Scope’s goals are for young children to: • Learn through active involvement with people, materials, events, and ideas • Become independent, responsible, and confident—ready for school and ready for life • Learn to plan and execute activities, then talk with other children and teachers about what they have done and what they have learned (Plan- Do-Review) • Gain knowledge and skills in important content areas including language and literacy ,initiative and social relationships, creative representation,movement, music, mathematics, and logical thinking. *Scope Academy offers four different age groups: Baby class (6-18 months). Toddlers (1½ -2½ years). Tots (2½ - 3½ years). Pre-Schoolers (3½- 5 years). *Open hours: Our preschool is open 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM,Sunday to Thursday.