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انتي لسه بتحاولي تدوري علي مدرسة مناسبة لأولادك؟
تعبتي من كتر اللف الكتير و كل ما تقدمي في مدرسة تكتشفي انها مش انسب حاجه ليكي احنا هنا عشان نساعدك لما تلمي الفورم ده هتعرفي تلاقي احسن مدارس لأطفالك يلا وفري عليكي وقت و مجهود و حطي بيناتك هنا عشان أولادك يستحقوا احسن تعليم.
(Specialized in the care and rehabilitation of children at the highest level in all fields of rehabilitation) - Specialists in developing skills, self-care and social skills for all disabilities - Rehabilitation in Mentessori curriculum with a series of rehabilitation programs for each child with follow-up and re-evaluation - Sensory Integration Therapy - an advanced method in the rehabilitation of children with special needs - a group of specialists and consultants in the field of rehabilitation of those with special needs - skills development - communication - behavioral modification - sensory integration - vocational qualification - psychological measurements - intelligence test - learning difficulties - simplifying from U.S C
First: Working hours: All days of the week except Friday and Saturday.
- Start of school day (9 am: 3 pm)
Second: Facilities Location: There is a lecture hall equipped
- Air-conditioned classrooms are equipped with audio and video cameras and various skills development tools
Third: The category included in the institution:
(Regular children and children with special needs different categories)
Divided into two chapters in a combination (Normal + special categories): equipped with various tools and modern and suitable for different ages
1 - Chapter I of the age of (6: 2) years.
2 - Chapter (6:15) years.
Fourth: Services provided by the Foundation:
1 - Working the system of collective classes (integration of ordinary people with disabilities in the collective work environment).
2. Individual sessions (individual sessions will be held in ad hoc chapters) that include:
skills development.
Concentration and attention.
Modify behavior.
Vocational qualification.
Speech sessions (individual and collective).
Academic sessions (Normal, slow and learning difficulties).
Art sessions (handicrafts - drawing).
Rehabilitation sessions.
Activities (kitchen).
Qualifying the child to enter school and pass school tests.
A child with learning difficulties can face the curriculum.
3 - Awareness lectures and guidance for parents in various psychological fields and behavior modification.
Fifth: The functions and functions of the psychologist:
1 - Read the reports received from the doctor specialized in the situation of the child.
2 - Appropriate assessment of the child's situation using some criteria and checklists and tests appropriate to the situation of the child Example:
The fourth and fifth picture interfaces.
The Karez (Autism).
Glaciation (Autism).
Nahla Rifai Language Test.
The pix.
Draw man (to measure mental ability).
Professional Orientation Survey (to measure the occupational orientation of large age cases).
Fineland (to measure adaptive behavior).
Child profile profile.
Conners Scale (to measure attention disorders and hyperactivity).
Rapid Neuronal Screening Scale (to examine neural integration and its association with learning).
Nubian Scale (for diagnosis of ADHD cases).
Benton scale (for measuring memory).
The C.B.C.I scale (to describe the behavior).
Tony Scale (to measure the mental ability of a non-speaker).
Asperger Scale.
The specialist can perform some psychological and projection measures such as:
MMPI - HTP - CAT - TAT - Sachs to supplement wholesale
Based on the outcome of the evaluation, a program of work with the child is being developed using the developmental lists (portaj, lufas, helb, tech, mentsuri, amy ...).
Activities are carried out based on the program.
Modification sessions for children and adolescents.