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Last Update 2019-11-19
Mada Academy

Mada Academy


0224720631 - 01206706164 - 01024415085
31 Dr. Ismael Wahba St. off Mostafa El Nahas St. Nasr City, Cairo Show On Map

About Mada Academy

Mada Academy for the preparation of leaders and development of human cadres announces the opening of the first stage of the summer activity for children from the age of 5 years and up to 8 years from now until 24 April. The beginning of the first phase of summer activity Sunday, May 1 and May 12 on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. The program of activity "I love Quran Flebcher" (memorization of Quran. Tajweed. Interpretation. Muhammad ص قدوتنا. Practical applications of Quran and Sunnah. "The Cycle of Recycling" (a group of artistic and creative workshops to discover the skills of creative thought and creativity in children and work on their development) "Teaching line" "drawing instruction" The second stage of summer activity for children between 8.5 and 11 years is from 16 May to 29 May The content of the second phase of the activity (electronic - robots - music education - education - Scouts camps - recreational and cultural trips - a program of love the Koran Felicher - Cycle Recycle ...)