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تعبتي من كتر اللف الكتير و كل ما تقدمي في مدرسة تكتشفي انها مش انسب حاجه ليكي احنا هنا عشان نساعدك لما تلمي الفورم ده هتعرفي تلاقي احسن مدارس لأطفالك يلا وفري عليكي وقت و مجهود و حطي بيناتك هنا عشان أولادك يستحقوا احسن تعليم.
Villa 27B, Block 1170, Al Wazara Square, Sheraton, Heliopolis Show On Map
About Kiddy House Nursery
Their Vision is to be the leading Professional childcare provider
in our community.
Their mission is to maintain a high standard educational system, while ensuring a quality base for the upcoming generations. Their system qualifies children to fit into life and build their character structure; awakening their dreams and exploring their skills , To provide the best education and environment for pre scholars to unleash their full physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Kiddy house nursery’s approach to the curriculum is based on the modern Montessori approach and integrates a social emotional based program. - A Certified Professional Montessori System- International Curriculum- Highly Qualified & Well Trained Teachers- Speech Therapy- Behavior Modification- Catering to Each Individual’s Needs- Fully Equipped Classes- A Unique & Creative Arts & Crafts Facility- Innovative Physical Educational tools- Practical Life Experience & Character Building Programs- Nutritious & Healthy Meals- Pediatric Regular Medical Checkups- Transportation- Fun & Educational Monthly Trips- Life Learning Skills- Etiquette- French, English & Arabic Circle Times- Self-Skills Exploration- Behavior Modification through music classes- Swimming, ballet, & gym- Summer & Winter Camps