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انتي لسه بتحاولي تدوري علي مدرسة مناسبة لأولادك؟
تعبتي من كتر اللف الكتير و كل ما تقدمي في مدرسة تكتشفي انها مش انسب حاجه ليكي احنا هنا عشان نساعدك لما تلمي الفورم ده هتعرفي تلاقي احسن مدارس لأطفالك يلا وفري عليكي وقت و مجهود و حطي بيناتك هنا عشان أولادك يستحقوا احسن تعليم.
“A to Z Baby Academy”
Provides a caring and secure environment for children from 3 months old to school-age, where children gain a strong foundation of knowledge and skills before school.
Curriculum We follow a Montessori based curriculum. It is divided into the Montessori areas of learning: • Practical Life • Sensorial • Mathematics • Language and Literacy ((English, French, Arabic, stories) • Cultural Subjects (Natural Sciences) • Creative Subjects (Art and Craft, Theatre)
Our services • We offer a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment with attractive learning materials and daily Montessori activities. Children can play in a spacious garden in the company of two lovely parrots. An experienced foreign teacher leads our air-conditioned classrooms divided into three-year age groups: “Turtles & Rabbits” (0-3), “Horses” (3-6). “Lions” (school-age and older) benefit of after-school activities (doing homework, painting, drawing) Our friendly and qualified staff team, led by an experienced and dedicated Manager, value working in partnership with parents in order to meet the individual needs of each child. We facilitate physical development through healthy meals, aerobics and weekly medical check-ups. We encourage spiritual growth through prayer and Quran lessons. We see parents as key partners. Daily report cards & newsletters keep parents informed of their child’s progress and care. We ensure that the children will have a great start to school by working with additional educational resources (Pupil’s books, Workbooks, CDs, flash cards etc.)
Summer program: - swimming pool - cooking - workshop accessories - Theatre - arts & crafts - aerobics - English - French - Arabic - Quran